(scroll down for the english version)
Prima di salutarci per le tanto agognate vacanze estive, vi lascio questa ricettina usata per il compleanno di Riccardo e Carlotta. Sono dei muffin molto soffici e gustosi, provare per credere!
Scaldate il forno a 180°C. In una grande ciotola sbattete insieme lo zucchero e l'uovo fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso. In una piccola ciotola miscelate insieme la farina, il lievito e il sale. Incorporate il composto di uova e mescolate per amalgamare.
Incorporate l'olio, il latte e l'aroma di vaniglia. Suddividete l'impasto nei pirottini riempiendoli a 3/4.
Infornate per 15-18 minuti o fino a cottura completa.
Mentre i muffin cuociono, sciogliete il burro e versate lo zucchero in una ciotola. Quando i muffin sono pronti, spennellateli leggermente di burro e ricopriteli di zucchero.
Un volta conclusa la procedura ho voluto dare un mio tocco alla ricetta: ho scavato al centro dei muffin, ricavandone un buco e, usando una sac a poche, ho riempiti alcuni di ganache al cioccolato e altri di gelatina di mele fatta da mia madre (ricetta segretissima!!).
A questo punto.. buon appetito e.. BUONE VACANZE!
Ale G.
sugar 150 gr
egg 1
flour 150 gr
yeast 9 gr
a pinch of salt
oil 54 gr
milk 183 gr
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 spoons of butter
sugar 100 gr.
Before saying goodbye for the much-awaited summer vacation, I leave you this recipe used for the birthday of Riccardo and Carlotta. These are very soft and tasty muffins, try them!
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. In a large bowl, beat together sugar and egg until the mixture is light and fluffy. In a small bowl mix together the flour, the baking powder and a pinch of salt. Stir in the egg mixture and toss to mix.
Stir in the oil, the milk and the vanilla extrac. Divide the dough into cups filling them 3/4.
Bake for 15-18 minutes or until cooked.
While the muffins are cooking, melt the butter and pour the sugar in a bowl. When the muffins are ready, brush them lightly with butter and cover with sugar.
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. In a large bowl, beat together sugar and egg until the mixture is light and fluffy. In a small bowl mix together the flour, the baking powder and a pinch of salt. Stir in the egg mixture and toss to mix.
Stir in the oil, the milk and the vanilla extrac. Divide the dough into cups filling them 3/4.
Bake for 15-18 minutes or until cooked.
While the muffins are cooking, melt the butter and pour the sugar in a bowl. When the muffins are ready, brush them lightly with butter and cover with sugar.
At the end I wanted to give my own twist to the recipe: I dug in the center of the muffins, obtaining a hole and, using a pastry bag, I filled some with chocolate ganache and some others with apple jelly made by my mother (a secret recipe!).
Enjoy and... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Ale G.
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